Sara Jacoby and colleagues examined the perspectives of people injured by firearms with regards to the news media's coverage of firearm violence. The study found that survivors of firearm injury perceived harms including dehumanization, reliving trauma, and threats to...
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Challenges with hypertension self-care among survivors of adverse childhood experiences
Little is known about how survivors of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) manage their high blood pressure, a common and significant long-term effect of ACEs. Carmen Alvarez and colleagues conducted a qualitative analysis, finding the health behavior of survivors of...
Seasonal Changes in Adolescent Suicide Explain Controversial ’13 Reasons Why’ Findings
A press release from the Annenberg Public Policy Center details Dan Romer's research, which disputes the highly publicized findings that suggested a spike in youth suicide coinciding with the release of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, a show that revolves around...
Exploring Equity Barriers Before a Firearm Safety Trial
A paper led by Katie Hoskins demonstrates how their team operationalized equity-oriented recommendations prior to the launch of a firearm safety and suicide prevention implementation trial. “With rising rates of suicide among racially and ethnically minoritized youth,...
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Depression, Patient Activation and Medication Adherence Among Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension
A paper led by Carmen Alvarez explores whether modifiable variables - depression and patient activation – explain the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and medication adherence among patients with uncontrolled hypertension. Read the full...
Youth Firearm Injury: A Review for Pediatric Critical Care Clinicians
Elinore Kaufman, Terry Richmond, and Katie Hoskins published a review on youth firearm injury, now the leading cause of death for youth in the United States. Geared towards pediatric critical care clinicians, the review discusses risk and protective factors as well as...
City streetscapes and neighborhood characteristics of fatal opioid overdoses among people experiencing homelessness who use drugs in New York City, 2017–2019
Liz Nesoff led a study on how streetscapes and neighborhood characteristics influence the incidence of overdose among people experiencing homelessness in New York City. More than 55% of fatal overdoses occurred in supportive housing or shelters and there were various...
Predicting Intimate Partner Violence Reassault and Homicide: A Practitioner’s Guide to Making Sense of Predictive Validity Statistics
Millan AbiNader and colleagues examine a key issue for social workers intervening on intimate partner violence: understanding the likelihood of future reassault and potential lethality. This practice update aims to help practitioners understand the utility and...
Neighborhood segregation, tree cover and firearm violence in 6 U.S. cities, 2015–2020
Gina South, Michelle Kondo, and colleagues found that even after adjusting for neighborhood privilege, more tree cover was linked to less violence. Takeaways and future directions are discussed in an LDI blog post. Read the full publication
Disparities in Adherence to Concussion Clinical Care Recommendations in a Pediatric Population
Daniel Corwin, Kate McDonald, Kristy Arbogast, Christina Master, and colleagues assessed patient factors associated with adherence to follow-up care after pediatric concussion, suggesting future research should identify individual- and system-level barriers to...
A manifesto on explainability for artificial intelligence in medicine
John Holmes and colleagues wrote a position paper articulating the need (and a framework) for "explainability" in the artificial intelligence that is employed in medicine. With diversity in their roles and perspectives, the authors discuss some of the biggest...
Buprenorphine-Precipitated Opioid Withdrawal in the Emergency Department: A Case Series
A team including Austin Kilaru, Jeanmarie Perrone, Kit Delgado, and Maggie Lowenstein conducted a case series investigation of patients who developed complications after starting buprenorphine in the ED for opioid use disorder, which is a rare (but feared) occurrence....