Breaking barriers to opioid use disorder care

Breaking barriers to opioid use disorder care

A team including Maggie Lowenstein of the Perelman School of Medicine and Shoshana Aronowitz of the School of Nursing interviewed patients and identified three facilitators for a low-barrier treatment model for opioid use disorder. Low-barrier treatment is a...
13th annual Community Driven Research Day

13th annual Community Driven Research Day

The largest academic institutions in Philadelphia – Penn, CHOP, Temple, Drexel, PCOM, and Jefferson – connected with leading minds in the community during the 13th Annual Community Driven Research Day (CDRD) this past January at Drexel’s LeBow...
The impacts of violence during co-occurring pandemics

The impacts of violence during co-occurring pandemics

Desmond Patton led a novel analysis using focus group and social media data to confirm or reject findings from qualitative interviews, conducted to understand how violence impacted low-income residents of color amidst co-occurring health (COVID-19) and social...