Michelle Kondo and colleagues propose the Greening Theory of Change, which explains how greening initiatives might affect adolescent health in deprived neighborhoods. The framework illustrates both short- and long-term health, economic, and security effects of...
Sara Jacoby is a part of two teams that were recently awarded grants from the Penn Community Collaboratory for Co-Creation (Penn4C), an initiative from Penn Nursing and Penn Engineering, for projects providing shelter from urban heat and removing debris from North...
Carmen Alvarez demonstrated the initial effectiveness of Cuidándome (quee-DAN-doh-meh, “taking care of myself”), a 10-week, patient-centered, trauma-informed intervention for Latina immigrant survivors, to prevent the long term health impacts of Adverse Childhood...
Millan AbiNader of the School of Social Policy & Practice authored a book chapter on the definition and operationalization of rurality within the context of gender-based violence. “Research on gender-based violence (GBV) across place has consistently...
A team including Maggie Lowenstein of the Perelman School of Medicine and Shoshana Aronowitz of the School of Nursing interviewed patients and identified three facilitators for a low-barrier treatment model for opioid use disorder. Low-barrier treatment is a...
The largest academic institutions in Philadelphia – Penn, CHOP, Temple, Drexel, PCOM, and Jefferson – connected with leading minds in the community during the 13th Annual Community Driven Research Day (CDRD) this past January at Drexel’s LeBow...
Gina South, John MacDonald, and colleagues found that structural interventions to remediate abandoned housing in low-income, Black neighborhoods were associated with reductions in nearby weapons violations, gun assaults, and shootings in a randomized controlled...
Desmond Patton led a novel analysis using focus group and social media data to confirm or reject findings from qualitative interviews, conducted to understand how violence impacted low-income residents of color amidst co-occurring health (COVID-19) and social...
Gina South, John MacDonald, and colleagues found that structural interventions to remediate abandoned housing in low-income, Black neighborhoods were associated with reductions in nearby weapons violations, gun assaults, and shootings in a randomized controlled...
Desmond Patton led a novel analysis using focus group and social media data to confirm or reject findings from qualitative interviews, conducted to understand how violence impacted low-income residents of color amidst co-occurring health (COVID-19) and social...