Assault-Related Concussion in a Pediatric Population

Contributed to by PISC Senior Scholars Kristy Arbogast, PhD, Joel Fein, MD, MPH, and Daniel Corwin, MD, this study compared demographic characteristics, medical care, and outcomes among patients with assault-related concussions (ARC) versus sports and recreation–related concussions (SRC). It retrospectively analyzed chart reviews of 124 patients aged 8 to 17 years old, finding that individuals with ARC were more likely to be Black, publicly insured, and seek initial care at the emergency department. The study also found some discrepancies between ARC and SRC patients, with more ARC patients reporting a decline in grades after their injury. The disparities this study highlights point toward greater impacts on and longer recovery times for ARC patients, indicating a need for further examination into care and outcomes for pediatric individuals with ARC.


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