A study including PISC Internal Advisory Board Member Patrick Reilly and PISC Senior Scholar Elinore Kaufman sought to prospectively determine patient reported physical, emotional, and social outcomes during the post-injury period. Patients reported decreases in...
Former PISC Trainee Alison Culyba and colleagues found that exposure to violence was associated with absenteeism in middle school students. Resources and contextual support for youth exposed to family or community violence may play a role in school attendance,...
Lead author Helena Addison, along with PISC Scholars and collaborators Therese Richmond, Lisa Lewis, and Sara Jacoby evaluate the current state of scientific knowledge describing the mental health of Black men who have experienced incarceration. Quantitative findings...
Former Center Director Douglas Wiebe and Trainees Abigail Bretzin and Bernadette D’Alonzo, along with the Ivy League–Big Ten Epidemiology of Concussion Study Investigators, examined the progression of collegiate student athletes through five stages of a...
Abby Bretzin led a paper that found longer time to authorized clearance from specialized care (team physician, neurologist) and shorter time to clearance from urgent care (hospital, urgent care facility). Associations were also observed between sex and who was...
The PHIGHT Network’s community listening session, Together We Can, on March 29th, 2022 was covered by Fox29 in their Save Our Streets segment. The event was hosted by The PHIGHT Network (an initiative of the West/Southwest Collaborative, of which Penn Injury...
Black men are disproportionately impacted by injuries in the United States. A recent study led by PISC Executive Committee Member Therese S. Richmond, PhD, RN, featuring Senior Scholar Marta Bruce, PhD, RN, analyzes how injured Black men perceive the relationship...
There is a lack of medical consensus as to what constitutes recovery from a pediatric concussion. A recent study featuring PISC Senior Scholar Daniel Corwin, MD, Executive Committee Member Catherine McDonald, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Senior Scholar Kristy Arbogast, PhD,...
The PHIGHT Network, from the WSW Collaborative and including the Penn Injury Science Center, partnered with the YMCAs in Philadelphia in hosting the “Exercise Your Voice” event to give youth the stage in talking about community violence. Living in a city...
This study seeks to reduce health disparities affecting Black men by examining the relative contribution of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and neighborhood factors to pre-injury health, the occurrence of injury, and post-injury outcomes, and subsequently...