Naomi Zucker, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Family and Community Health, Penn School of Nursing
Postdoctoral Fellows
Focus Areas: Opioid and Overdose | Policy

I am a medical anthropologist and qualitative social scientist, and am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Family and Community Health in the School of Nursing. I hold a bachelor’s in Anthropology from Princeton University, and recently completed my PhD in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. My doctoral dissertation work is an ethnographic study of psychiatric medication withdrawal with a focus on online patient communities, and my research is broadly concerned with drugs and pharmaceuticals; dependence and withdrawal; patient-led knowledge production; and chronic and contested illness. I am currently working with Dr. Shoshana Aronowitz to study how telehealth is (and might be) used in opioid use disorder treatment, with a focus on increasing access for vulnerable populations.

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