Reality Check – WURD Radio segment – ft. Dr. Trina Kumodzi

Reality Check – WURD Radio segment – ft. Dr. Trina Kumodzi

Trina Kumodzi from Penn Nursing, joined Charles Ellison to discuss a first-of-its-kind study from Penn Nursing and the Penn Injury Science Center has assessed the performance of two predictive screeners to determine their performance in a population heavily impacted...
A Leader’s Role in Firearm Violence & Nursing

A Leader’s Role in Firearm Violence & Nursing

Terry Richmond, a renowned nurse researcher and professor, sits down with the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Leadership Podcast crew and provides valuable insights on the complex issue of firearm violence and its effects on healthcare and nursing....
Driving simulator predicts riskiest teen drivers

Driving simulator predicts riskiest teen drivers

Elizabeth Walshe speaks with PBS member station WITF’s The Spark about a recent publication (with Flaura Winston, Dan Romer, and Allison Curry) as well as the broader issue of road traffic injury amongst teenagers.