Opioid Care Concerns

Opioid Care Concerns

Shoshana Aronowitz was featured in an article in the Inquirer about how the Parker Administration is approaching the opioid crisis. Aronowitz expressed concerns that people affected by the approach would not be able to access quality treatment.
Opioid Use Disorder Treatment while Pregnant

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment while Pregnant

A recent study including Zack Meisel was featured by Penn LDI for illuminating that only 1 in 3 pregnant individuals who were eligible for an evidence-based buprenorphine treatment actually received it, which contributes to maternal mortality.
Opioid Care Concerns

Substance Use Policy

Emily Seeburger and Shoshana Aronowitz published an op-ed in the Inquirer describing how the Parker administration’s approach to the opioid crisis could be strengthened by science, emphasizing that coerced treatment does not work.
Bureaucratic burdens for buprenorphine

Bureaucratic burdens for buprenorphine

Shoshana Aronowitz of the School of Nursing, Zack Meisel of the Perelman School of Medicine, and colleagues assessed the various types of prior authorization requirements for Medicaid-covered buprenorphine treatment across the 50 states, which present barriers to...
ED Nurse Screening, Clinician Prompts Improve OUD Treatment

ED Nurse Screening, Clinician Prompts Improve OUD Treatment

Healthcare Innovation featured the Warm Handoff project. “Our findings indicate that the screening and prompts help clinicians to recognize patients and increasingly initiate important care for them,” says Maggie Lowenstein. “There is a huge group now eligible to...
Breaking barriers to opioid use disorder care

Breaking barriers to opioid use disorder care

A team including Maggie Lowenstein of the Perelman School of Medicine and Shoshana Aronowitz of the School of Nursing interviewed patients and identified three facilitators for a low-barrier treatment model for opioid use disorder. Low-barrier treatment is a...