Rodney Babb Joins Prestigious CVI Leadership Academy

Rodney Babb Joins Prestigious CVI Leadership Academy

Rodney Babb, lead violence recovery specialist for the Penn Trauma Violence Recovery Program, has been accepted into the Community Violence Intervention Leadership Academy. This unique program out of the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago...
Responses to mass shootings vs. chronic gun violence

Responses to mass shootings vs. chronic gun violence

Elinore Kaufman of the Perelman School of Medicine spoke on Louisville NPR member station WFPL about the difference in public response to the recent mass shooting compared to the area’s chronic gun violence. “It’s interesting, I used to say the mass...
100th Mayor: Restoring Safety Forum

100th Mayor: Restoring Safety Forum

Elinore Kaufman serves as one of the moderators in the Restoring Safety Forum, posing questions to Philadelphia mayoral candidates about their plans to address public safety and gun violence. You can watch a recording of the event from Billy Penn.
Story slam on firearm injury and prevention

Story slam on firearm injury and prevention

Elinore Kaufman and Rodney Babb, of the Penn Trauma Violence Recovery Program, participated in the Story Slam focusing on firearm injury and prevention as a public health issue, co-hosted by Annals of Internal Medicine, the American College of Physicians (ACP) and...
Denise Johnson recognized as Difference Maker

Denise Johnson recognized as Difference Maker

Denise Johnson was featured in Penn Today and named a difference maker in the Penn Medicine News for her role as the bridge between the street outreach Penn Community Violence Prevention program and the hospital-based Penn Trauma Violence Recovery...
Jamie Song recognized as Difference Maker

Jamie Song recognized as Difference Maker

Jamie Song was featured in The PM Report for his work using a Penn Medicine CAREs grant to help with transportation, access to cell service, and emergency housing for survivors of violent injury. Part of the Penn Trauma Violence Recovery Program, Song works with...
Expanding violence prevention and recovery programs

Expanding violence prevention and recovery programs

Bernadette Hohl and Elinore Kaufman led applications that were selected for funding by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). With the funding, Hohl will partner with The School District of Philadelphia to expand and enhance the Safe Path...
Gun Violence: A Reckoning

Gun Violence: A Reckoning

Among other Penn Medicine experts on the front lines of the fight against gun violence, Dr. Elinore Kaufman was featured in this special issue of Penn Medicine Magazine. She calls for a broad-based approach to violence prevention, involving public health interventions...