Gun Safe Giveaway Promotes Secure Firearm Storage

Gun Safe Giveaway Promotes Secure Firearm Storage

Sunny Jackson, part of the Penn Trauma Violence Recovery Program, led a team distributing free gun safes and locks at the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine. The initiative, part of Penn’s efforts to reduce firearm injuries, aims to keep guns away from children...
Forecasting U.S. Firearm Stock Growth by 2034

Forecasting U.S. Firearm Stock Growth by 2034

Dave Humphreys, led a study estimating the growth of the U.S. civilian firearm stock, projecting an increase from 378 million firearms in 2022 to 565 million by 2034 under current trends. The study, published in JAMA Network Open, highlights how modest increases in...
Researching Safe Firearm Storage to Keep Children Safe

Researching Safe Firearm Storage to Keep Children Safe

Katie Hoskins, with co-investigators Joel Fein, and Dorothy Novick, leads a new study funded by a $3.2 million NINR grant. This five-year project at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) scales out the S.A.F.E. Firearm intervention, promoting secure firearm...